Editor's Forum

Roots II

In last November’s issue of CUJ, we celebrated the magazine’s twentieth anniversary by inviting past notables to reminisce with us. Perhaps we didn’t direct enough fanfare to the compiler that gave birth to our publication, or to its humble author...

For those whose yearnings tend root-ward, you may find of interest that Leor has released the code for the BDS (Brain Damage Software) C compiler and its 8080 linker into the public domain. (Does anyone use CP/M anymore?) I learned C in the 1980s on a two-floppy (sans hard drive) Sanyo MBC-550, with the luxury of 128 KB of RAM. Leor’s compiler ran in 32 KB on a single floppy system! Visit <www.bdsoft.com/resources.html#bdsc> for more details.

Speaking of roots, pointers have long been known as a source of both power and grief to the C/C++ developer. Well, the Phantom Poet has struck again, musing about what havoc errant pointers wreak on precious memory. I dare you to read his latest offering without hearing music in your head!

Chuck Allison
Senior Editor