import*; // Illustrates fixed-length-record I/O public class Employee { // Attributes: int empno; String last; String first; // Class constants: static final int LAST_MAX = 15; static final int FIRST_MAX = 15; static final int size = LAST_MAX*2 + FIRST_MAX*2 + 4; static final byte fillByte = (byte) 0xFF; public Employee(String last, String first, int empno) { this.last = last; this.first = first; this.empno = empno; } static void stringToBytes(String s, int max, byte[] dest, int offset) { // Note that max must be even, so we // don't get half a char. byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { if (i < bytes.length) dest[i + offset] = bytes[i]; else dest[i + offset] = fillByte; } } public byte[] stringsToBytes() { byte[] buffer = new byte[LAST_MAX*2 + FIRST_MAX*2]; stringToBytes(last, LAST_MAX*2, buffer, 0); stringToBytes(first, FIRST_MAX*2, buffer, LAST_MAX*2); return buffer; } public void write(RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException { f.write(stringsToBytes()); f.writeInt(empno); } public void read(RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[LAST_MAX*2 + FIRST_MAX*2]; f.readFully(buffer); last = new String(buffer, 0, findDelim(buffer, 0, LAST_MAX*2)); first = new String(buffer, LAST_MAX*2, findDelim(buffer, LAST_MAX*2, FIRST_MAX*2)); empno = f.readInt(); } public String toString() { return "{" + last + "," + first + "," + empno + "}"; } int findDelim(byte[] buffer, int start, int max) { // Find first occurrence of 'fillbyte' in // a trailing substring // ... implementation omitted } } End of Listing